Drive In Starter Kit
Drive-In showing Tonite: Attack of the 50 ft Sim
'If we cannot drive our cars, we at least want to have a Drive In where we can sit in our cars and watch the latest movies. I'm tired of having my car sitting in the garage and not being able to drive it. And I'm tired of cleaning it over and over again and not getting the chance to have a date on the backseat. We are already targets for jokes by the Sim City girls because we cannot use our cars.' This was a letter sent to the Mayor's office last week and today the Mayor announced the opening of the new Drive-In. Get your cars ready. Soon we will see more and more Sims pushing their cars Downtown.

Get out the mosquito repellant, vacuum out the back seat and wash up the windshield to crystal clarity! Yes folks the drive-in opens tonight. Featuring a state-of-the-art motion picture screen, the latest in car speaker technology and the best 'B' movie ever made, a night downtown at the drive-in can’t be beat. Sims all over town are backed up in the street for the premiere of Attack of the 50 foot Sim. Don’t miss it. Show time 8 P.M.

by Nanette

$ 13000  TS HD DT IS

Drive In Screen Drive In Sign Drive In Speaker Chevrolet