HARRY POTTER Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1) - Say you've spent the first 10 years of your life sleeping under the stairs of a family who loathes you. Then, in an absurd, magical twist of fate you find yourself surrounded by wizards, a caged snowy owl, a phoenix-feather wand, and jellybeans that come in every flavor, including strawberry, curry, grass, and sardine. Not only that, but you discover that you are a wizard yourself! This is exactly what happens to young Harry Potter in J.K. Rowling's enchanting, funny debut novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2) - It's hard to fall in love with an earnest, appealing young hero like Harry Potter and then to watch helplessly as he steps into terrible danger! And in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the much anticipated sequel to the award-winning Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, he is in terrible danger indeed. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3) - For most children, summer vacation is something to look forward to. But not for our 13-year-old hero, who's forced to spend his summers with an aunt, uncle, and cousin who detest him. The third book in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series catapults into action when the young wizard 'accidentally' causes the Dursleys' dreadful visitor Aunt Marge to inflate like a monstrous balloon and drift up to the ceiling. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Book 4) - In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, J.K. Rowling offers up equal parts danger and delight--and any number of dragons, house-elves, and death-defying challenges. Harry Potter Phoenix (Book 5)
STEPHEN KING Stephen King 'The Stand' - The Stand is like that. You either love it or hate it, but you can't ignore it. Stephen King's most popular book, according to polls of his fans, is an end-of-the-world scenario: a rapidly mutating flu virus is accidentally released from a U.S. military facility and wipes out 99 and 44/100 percent of the world's population, thus setting the stage for an apocalyptic confrontation between Good and Evil.
Stephen King 'The Shining' - For more than twenty years, millions of readers have checked in to The Overlook Hotel with Jack Torrance and his family--and they're still coming. It's bestselling proof that horror never dies. This is classic King--the basis for the smash feature film directed by Stanley Kubrick, and the hit TV mini-series. --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition. 
Stephen King 'Night Shift' - A spine-tingling anthology of twenty tales from the master of horror includes 'The Lawnmower Man', 'Children of the Corn', and 'Graveyard Shift', about the loathsome creatures living beneath an old city building. Reissue. 
Stephen King 'Hearts in Atlantis' - Stephen King's collection of five stories about '60s kids reads like a novel. The best is 'Low Men in Yellow Coats', about Bobby Garfield of Harwich, Connecticut, who craves a Schwinn for his 11th birthday. But his widowed mom is impoverished, and so bitter that she barely loves him. King is as good as Spielberg or Steven Millhauser at depicting an enchanted kid's-eye view of the world, and his Harwich is realistically luminous to the tiniest detail: kids bashing caps with a smoke-blackened rock, a car grille 'like the sneery mouth of a chrome catfish', a Wild Mouse carnival ride that makes kids 'simultaneously sure they were going to live forever and die immediately'. Stephen King 'Dreamcatcher' Stephen King 'The Green Mile' - Set in the 1930s at the Cold Mountain Penitentiary's death-row facility, The Green Mile is the riveting and tragic story of John Coffey, a giant, preternaturally gentle inmate condemned to death for the rape and murder of twin nine-year-old girls. It is a story narrated years later by Paul Edgecomb, the ward superintendent compelled to help every prisoner spend his last days peacefully and every man walk the green mile to execution with his humanity intact. 
Stephen King 'The Green Mile' [Paperback] - Set in the 1930s at the Cold Mountain Penitentiary's death-row facility, The Green Mile is the riveting and tragic story of John Coffey, a giant, preternaturally gentle inmate condemned to death for the rape and murder of twin nine-year-old girls. It is a story narrated years later by Paul Edgecomb, the ward superintendent compelled to help every prisoner spend his last days peacefully and every man walk the green mile to execution with his humanity intact. 
Stephen King 'It' Stephen King 'Tommyknockers' Stephen King 'Christine' Stephen King 'Cujo' Stephen King 'Needful Things'
JRR TOLKIEN J.R.R. Tolkien 'The Lord of the Rings' - This work has been labelled both a heroic romance and a classic of fantasy
fiction. By turns comic and homely, epic and diabolic, the narrative moves
through countless changes of scene and character in an imaginary world of
great detail. This one-volume reset edition contains new maps. J.R.R. Tolkien 'The Hobbit' - Bilbo Baggins enjoys a quiet and contented life, with no desire to travel
far from the comforts of home; then one day the wizard Gandalf and a band of
dwarves arrive unexpectedly and enlist his services - as a burglar - on a
dangerous expedition to raid the treasure-hoard of Smaug the dragon. Bilbo's
life is never to be the same again.
KIDS Pooh Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues!
HOBBY Home Buying for Dummies - covers all the bases, providing clear explanations and reasonable judgments on how to select a mortgage, hire a real estate agent, find the right house, and negotiate a good deal. 
Cooking for Dummies - is ideal for the novice chef as well as the apartment dweller with limited cooking space (and knowledge). Miller and Rama first discuss basic culinary tools and techniques before diving into the recipes, easy yet impressive menus simple enough to accommodate last-minute guests. 
Grilling for Dummies - Hot for your Hibachi, warming up for the Weber? Grilling for Dummies is the perfect guide for the home grillmaster. It doesn't matter if you can't tell a briquette from a Rockette or if you just won your third Michelin star cooking on your grill, this book is one of the best guides available. 
Indoor Grilling for Dummies - mmmmm A+ Certification for Dummies - The Certified Computer Technician title--otherwise known as A+ Certification--is one way to document your technical skills for your résumé, and A+ Certification for Dummies is a painless way to prepare for the tests. It also serves as a wonderful primer for anyone who wants to learn more about computers.
Weight Training for Dummies - Scared of those tricky-looking weight-training machines at the gym? Wondering if the best free-weight technique is less weight/more reps or more weight/fewer reps? Confused by the trendy potions and powders and supplements like creatine monohydrate? Whether you work out at home or at a club, with machines or free weights, Weight Training for Dummies will empower you. 
Entertaining for Dummies - kind of social gathering from a picnic to a formal holiday dinner. The book is divided into five parts; in the first, you'll get plenty of useful tips on planning parties, from making guest lists and planning seating arrangements to arranging the furniture for maximum comfort. Part 2 helps you plan your menu, while Part 3 offers suggestions on how to make a great impression on your guests. This is the chapter to come to if you're wondering just how to set the table or whether it's proper to eat asparagus with your hands. In Part 4, Entertaining for Dummies demonstrates that even ordinary occasions, such as the evening meal, can be social events, then segues into discussions of holiday parties, children's parties, and business entertaining. The last section is 'the fun part' in which lots more menus are offered up along with some cooking tips and lots of great once-in-a-lifetime party ideas, such as a 'Journey to Ancient Egypt' or a western-style harvest moon celebration. Entertaining for Dummies tells you everything you need to know to make every social gathering a roaring success.
Improve your skillsets by these books. These are the new editions of 'Do it yourself', 'Easy Cooking', 'Repairman who's that' and 'A-Z Knowledge'. Each book has more than about 500 pages and color pictures. The fine leather cover was made by manufacturers in SimCity. These books are only available in KILLERSIMS online shop.
Improve your skillsets by these books. These are the new editions of 'Do it yourself', 'Easy Cooking', 'Repairman who's that' and 'A-Z Knowledge'. Each book has more than about 500 pages and color pictures. The fine leather cover was made by manufacturers in SimCity. These books are only available in KILLERSIMS online shop.
Improve your skillsets by these books. These are the new editions of 'Do it yourself', 'Easy Cooking', 'Repairman who's that' and 'A-Z Knowledge'. Each book has more than about 500 pages and color pictures. The fine leather cover was made by manufacturers in SimCity. These books are only available in KILLERSIMS online shop.
Improve your skillsets by these books. These are the new editions of 'Do it yourself', 'Easy Cooking', 'Repairman who's that' and 'A-Z Knowledge'. Each book has more than about 500 pages and color pictures. The fine leather cover was made by manufacturers in SimCity. These books are only available in KILLERSIMS online shop.
HISTORY 'History of SimCity' is now available in the Y2K edition. This valueable book covers everything from the
beginning of SimCity until today. Full size pictures and photographs explain the each detail of your home town. 
300 pages. Exclusive here.
HOTEL BUNDLE Did you ever wonder why you find the Holy Bible and the Yellow Pages in each hotel room?
It's because hotels buy it in KILLERSIMS online shop because it's so cheap. Bring the hotel feeling to your home now.
SimCity translators took care of translating the bible to Sim language, NOW it's the most read book in the world.
We exclusively offer you the bundle. Did you ever wonder why you find the Holy Bible and the Yellow Pages in each hotel room?
It's because hotels buy it in KILLERSIMS online shop because it's so cheap. Bring the hotel feeling to your home now.
SimCity translators took care of translating the bible to Sim language, NOW it's the most read book in the world.
We exclusively offer you the bundle.
BUSINESS Everything about the software house IN4MATIX. More than 400 pages. CD ROM included
EROTIC 'Born in SimForest' by Kathleen Wood is the first Erotic Book published in SimCity. This book is only available
in KILLERSIMS online shop. Kathleen Wood, who was born in a forest near SimCity describes her own life dramatically
with a touch of erotic and lust.
More than 500 pages with full color photographs. Adults only!
LIFESTYLE 'Sims - get your life under control' is a book which helps you managing your daily life.
About 500 pages

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